V The Hierophant

Michelangelo’s stoic portrayal of the prophet Moses looks out over a landscape of workers bent to their work, toiling beneath his gaze and under his staff. Suspended just above the horizon line is a fragment of Michelangelo’s “The Creation of Adam”, the two hands reach for each other, but never touch—alluding to our desire to know the source from which we came and the mystery that exists in the space between.

The Hierophant represents a teacher, a guide, and a source energy. It encourages those on the physical plane to surrender in service of something greater. For in the end, this work will bring the greater harvest. This card is a call to set ego and identity aside. Take others into account when setting your goals and work selflessly to achieve them. Entrust yourself and your work to a mentor and to Source, knowing that any work you put in at this time is for a greater purpose. Make space in your life for spiritual practice and honor your roots. Consider joining with a group of like-minded people who you can serve in some way and who will return the favor. Be willing to grow in your beliefs and keep an open mind. 

While the workers may occupy their minds with visions of future glory their bodies are focussed on the work at hand.

This card is often one of the more obscure and misunderstood cards of Tarot. It is also know as The Pope which places it squarely out of time and locks it culturally to the western Roman Catholic tradition. There are typically two kneeling or bending figures before a religious or ascetic figure in older decks. What those two figures are up to is I think the root of confusion. For me, this card represents two specific ideas. First, is the concept of anonymous toil. There are times in your life or career where you will toil anonymously. The works of your hands will be attributed to the larger group, or to an emissary for whom you toil. This is just the way of the world and is an important path to walk. To toil for the greater good without expectation is a form of meditation, the work itself is the way and the why of this moment.

The second concept here is the emissary, the papal figure, the go-between that intercedes between you and higher worlds. This concept in particular has fallen out of style in modern metaphysics. We are naturally suspicions of gurus, go-betweens, and organized concepts of spirituality. We all seek to know higher realms directly through our behavior, our acts in the world, and our desire. This card is a reminder that just as we sometimes toil in anonymity, we also sometimes need to acknowledge the emissary between us and the universe. This card then represents allowing yourself to serve that emissary and respect that their view of higher worlds is beyond your comprehension in this moment.

This is just one step on the path, and it may be an uncomfortable one… but it’s message is to enjoy the anonymity of your labor, surrendering to the greater good, and allowing there to be an emissary between you and your highest desire.


The Suit of Wands


IV The Emperor